Sponsored Programs & Events
When you sponsor a student, you equip them with a tutor, transportation, a meal, and the opportunity to learn how to break their cycle of poverty. We do not charge the families we serve, so this can only happen with your help. This scholarship can make a difference in the life of a student, their families, and generations to come.
Sponsoring a chapter directly benefits the local community and youth! Chapter sponsorship will only go to the location you select using the donation box below.
Education, leadership and life skills, health and wellness, arts, the options are plenty. If there is one that you find more meaningful than the rest, you can choose it in the donation box below. With your help, we can develop out of the box programs to create more success stories that are out of this world.
From our annual golf tournament to student graduations, we survive and thrive on your support. Learn more about how you can host or participate in a PROPEL event.
We Help Thousands of Children to Get Their Education
Every child has their own story and path. For over twenty years, PROPEL has helped underprivileged youth choose a path of achievement, education, and success.
You can help continue their stories. We need your help. PROPEL does not receive fees for services and solely relies on contributions to keep our programs alive and students thriving.